PRMS will host a Jackets Camp orientation for 6th grade students on Thursday, August 8th. There are two sessions available: 12:30-3:00 or 5:30-8:00. A letter will be mailed to registered students close to the date.
All grades can pick up schedules and pay fees on Tuesday, August 6th, from 8:00- 12:00 and 1:00-7:00. Schedules will only be available for students who have registered online and have brought in two proofs of residence. If these two steps have not been completed, parents can do this on August 6th.
7th graders need to bring in their immunization record to show they have had the Tdap vaccination in order to attend school.
Information for families about fall school supply lists and more are on the Parent Information page. Register for next year and pay fees online by following links on the Registration Information page.